Junya Ito, soccer player, connects with fans around the world Connect with fans around the world NFT PROJECT #1409junya" is launched.

#1409junya ID Sticker

The ID Sticker can be used as a social networking icon to show your support for Junya Ito as a member of the #1409junya project. Please use the ID Sticker as a social networking icon to show your support for Junya Ito.


  • Junya 's Online Events
    Archived Viewing

*First online event: February 10, 2023, 23:30 (or 22:00) (to be held in Japanese)
*The content of benefits and event schedule are subject to change at the last minute.

Variations / Usage

#1409junya ID Sticker is a "generative NFT" that is automatically generated with initial selection, 9 background variations including flat, gradient, tone, and various patterns, and a variety of color combinations.

Select your initisls

  • #1409junya
    ID Sticker A
    10,000JPY ≈ 80USD
    5,000JPY ≈ 40USD
  • #1409junya
    ID Sticker B
    10,000JPY ≈ 80USD
    5,000JPY ≈ 40USD
  • #1409junya
    ID Sticker C
    10,000JPY ≈ 80USD
    5,000JPY ≈ 40USD
  • #1409junya
    ID Sticker D
    10,000JPY ≈ 80USD
    5,000JPY ≈ 40USD
  • #1409junya
    ID Sticker E
    10,000JPY ≈ 80USD
    5,000JPY ≈ 40USD
  • #1409junya
    ID Sticker F
    10,000JPY ≈ 80USD
    5,000JPY ≈ 40USD
  • #1409junya
    ID Sticker G
    10,000JPY ≈ 80USD
    5,000JPY ≈ 40USD
  • #1409junya
    ID Sticker H
    10,000JPY ≈ 80USD
    5,000JPY ≈ 40USD
  • #1409junya
    ID Sticker I
    10,000JPY ≈ 80USD
    5,000JPY ≈ 40USD
  • #1409junya
    ID Sticker J
    10,000JPY ≈ 80USD
    5,000JPY ≈ 40USD
  • #1409junya
    ID Sticker K
    10,000JPY ≈ 80USD
    5,000JPY ≈ 40USD
  • #1409junya
    ID Sticker L
    10,000JPY ≈ 80USD
    5,000JPY ≈ 40USD
  • #1409junya
    ID Sticker M
    10,000JPY ≈ 80USD
    5,000JPY ≈ 40USD
  • #1409junya
    ID Sticker N
    10,000JPY ≈ 80USD
    5,000JPY ≈ 40USD
  • #1409junya
    ID Sticker O
    10,000JPY ≈ 80USD
    5,000JPY ≈ 40USD
  • #1409junya
    ID Sticker P
    10,000JPY ≈ 80USD
    5,000JPY ≈ 40USD
  • #1409junya
    ID Sticker Q
    10,000JPY ≈ 80USD
    5,000JPY ≈ 40USD
  • #1409junya
    ID Sticker R
    10,000JPY ≈ 80USD
    5,000JPY ≈ 40USD
  • #1409junya
    ID Sticker S
    10,000JPY ≈ 80USD
    5,000JPY ≈ 40USD
  • #1409junya
    ID Sticker T
    10,000JPY ≈ 80USD
    5,000JPY ≈ 40USD
  • #1409junya
    ID Sticker U
    10,000JPY ≈ 80USD
    5,000JPY ≈ 40USD
  • #1409junya
    ID Sticker V
    10,000JPY ≈ 80USD
    5,000JPY ≈ 40USD
  • #1409junya
    ID Sticker W
    10,000JPY ≈ 80USD
    5,000JPY ≈ 40USD
  • #1409junya
    ID Sticker X
    10,000JPY ≈ 80USD
    5,000JPY ≈ 40USD
  • #1409junya
    ID Sticker Y
    10,000JPY ≈ 80USD
    5,000JPY ≈ 40USD
  • #1409junya
    ID Sticker Z
    10,000JPY ≈ 80USD
    5,000JPY ≈ 40USD
  • #1409junya
    ID Sticker
    10,000JPY ≈ 80USD
    5,000JPY ≈ 40USD
Buy ID Sticker

#1409junya Photo NFT

This is a valuable photo NFT that will newly imprint “records and memories” of the history and present of Junya Ito, who plays on the world’s fields. The Platinum, Gold, and Silver courses are available, each with special experiences and benefits.

#1409junya Platinum Auction

Junya Ito's valuable Photo NFT of junior days

  • #1409junya Platinum
    300,000JPY ≈ 2400USD (Starting price)
    Join Auction


  • Junya 's Online Events
    Live Participation
  • Junya model for W Cup use only
    Autographed spike

*First online event: February 10, 2023, 23:30 (or 22:00) (to be held in Japanese)
*The content of benefits and event schedule are subject to change at the last minute.
*Signed merchandise will be shipped after March.

#1409junya Gold Auction

Junya Ito's valuable Photo NFT of Stade de Reims

  • #1409junya Gold No.1
    100,000JPY ≈ 800USD (Starting price)
    Sold Out
  • #1409junya Gold No.2
    100,000JPY ≈ 800USD (Starting price)
    Sold Out
  • #1409junya Gold No.3
    100,000JPY ≈ 800USD (Starting price)
    Join Auction


  • Junya 's Online Events
    Live Participation
  • Inscribed by Junya!
    Autographed jersey

*First online event: February 10, 2023, 23:30 (or 22:00) (to be held in Japanese)
*The content of benefits and event schedule are subject to change at the last minute.
*Signed merchandise will be shipped after March.

#1409junya Silver Available

Junya Ito's valuable portrait Photo NFT

  • #1409junya Silver No.1
    50,000JPY≈ 400USD (Starting price)
    Buy Now


  • Junya 's Online Events
    Live Participation

*First online event: February 10, 2023, 23:30 (or 22:00) (to be held in Japanese) *The content of benefits and event schedule are subject to change at the last minute.

Comment from Junya Ito

I am very excited about this new challenge to connect with people around the world who support me through the NFT PROJECT  #1409junya. I hope that each and every one of my fans will enjoy the project by taking on challenges and being active in the global field. And I hope that from the proceeds of this NFT, I will be able to deliver gifts to KnK and to underprivileged children around the world.

Social Contribution

A portion of the proceeds from the NFT PROJECT #1409junya will be used to help children in need around the world, together with KnK.